What is Popunder traffic: Definition

Understanding Popunder Ads - How They Work and Why They Matter

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Popunder ads

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In today's digital age, online advertising plays a pivotal role in reaching a wider audience and boosting brand visibility. One such advertising strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is popunder ads. These ads are designed to engage users by appearing behind the main browser window, capturing their attention without interrupting their browsing experience.

Popunder ads have proven to be an effective tool for advertisers looking to generate high-quality leads and drive conversions. Unlike pop-up ads that often result in frustration for users, popunders are less intrusive and can easily grab their attention when they are finished with the current page they are browsing.

One of the key benefits of using popunder ads is their ability to target specific demographics and interests. Advertisers have the freedom to customize the ads based on user behavior and preferences, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time. By analyzing user data and optimizing targeting strategies, popunders can significantly increase the chances of conversion.

Another advantage of popunder ads is their ability to provide a higher engagement rate compared to other traditional forms of online advertising. Since these ads are displayed behind the browser window, users are more likely to interact with them as they browse through the website. This increased engagement leads to higher click-through rates and better chances of conversion.

In conclusion, popunder ads have emerged as an effective advertising strategy in the digital marketing landscape. Their non-intrusive nature and ability to target specific audiences make them a valuable tool for advertisers looking to boost conversions. By using carefully crafted popunder ads and optimizing their targeting strategies, businesses can reach their marketing goals and achieve a higher return on investment.

What are Popunder Ads?

Popunder ads are a form of online advertising that appear in a new browser window or tab that opens up behind the current browser window. They are triggered when a user visits a website or clicks on a specific link, and they can be an effective tool for marketers to reach their target audience.

Unlike pop-up ads that appear in front of the current browser window and can be irritating to users, popunder ads are less intrusive and can be easily ignored or closed if the user is not interested. This makes them a popular choice for advertisers looking to promote their products or services.

Popunder ads can be used in a variety of ways, such as promoting new products, increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to a website, or generating leads. They can also be used to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, or browsing behavior.

When it comes to advertising adult content, popunder ads can be effective in reaching a niche audience. By using a platform like TrafficStars, advertisers can buy adult traffic and ensure their popunder ads are seen by the right people.

How do Popunder Ads Work?

Popunder ads are typically delivered through an ad network or platform. When a user visits a website that is part of the ad network, a small piece of code is triggered, which opens a new browser window or tab in the background.

The popunder ad is usually displayed once the user closes or minimizes their current browser window, making it more likely to grab their attention. The ad can be a banner, a video, or even a full-page ad, depending on the format chosen by the advertiser.

Advertisers can track the performance of their popunder ads by monitoring metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and return on investment. This data can be used to optimize future campaigns and ensure the best results.

Overall, popunder ads can be an effective tool for advertisers to engage their target audience and drive conversions. When used strategically and in the right context, they can deliver positive results and help businesses achieve their advertising goals.

How do Popunder Ads Work?

Popunder ads are a type of online advertising that appear in a new browser window or tab behind the current window, rather than in front of it. They are designed to grab the user's attention without interrupting their browsing experience.

When a user visits a website that has popunder ads, the website's code triggers the ad to open in a new window or tab. This is usually done using JavaScript or similar technologies. The ad is typically displayed to the user after they have closed the original website or clicked on a specific element on the page.

Popunder ads are often used by advertisers because they have a higher chance of being seen by the user compared to other types of ads, such as pop-up ads. Since the ad opens in a new window or tab, it can stay open even when the user navigates away from the original website.

Advertisers use a variety of targeting techniques to ensure their popunder ads reach the right audience. This may include targeting based on the user's demographics, interests, or browsing behavior. By reaching a more relevant audience, advertisers can increase the chances of their ads being clicked on and generating conversions.

Popunder ads can be an effective way for advertisers to promote their products or services, but they can also be seen as intrusive by some users. To address this concern, some advertisers have implemented frequency capping, which limits the number of popunder ads a user sees within a certain time period. This helps to balance the advertising experience for users while still allowing advertisers to reach their target audience.


Higher chance of being seen

Can be considered intrusive

Can reach a more targeted audience

May negatively impact user experience

Can generate higher click-through rates

Some users may use ad-blocking software

Benefits of Using Popunder Ads

1. Increased reach: Popunder ads have the ability to reach a wide audience as they are displayed in a new browser window that opens behind the active window. This means that even if users ignore or close the popunder ad initially, they will still see it when they finish browsing, maximizing the chances of capturing their attention.

2. High visibility: Popunder ads are visually noticeable as they open in a new browser window. This provides advertisers with an opportunity to present their message in a format that cannot be easily ignored or overlooked by users.

3. Enhanced engagement: Popunder ads have been known to generate high levels of user engagement. Since users are already in an active browsing session when the popunder ad opens, they are more likely to interact with the ad and its contents, leading to increased chances of conversions and sales.

4. Effective targeting: Popunder ads can be targeted based on various factors like demographics, interests, browsing behavior, and more. This enables advertisers to reach their desired audience and increase the chances of their ad being relevant to the user, resulting in higher click-through rates.

5. Cost-effective: Popunder ads often provide a cost-effective advertising solution compared to other ad formats. Advertisers can often get more impressions, clicks, and conversions for their budget, making popunder ads a popular choice among marketers looking for efficient advertising options.

6. Flexible ad formats: Popunder ads can be created in various formats, including text, images, videos, or a combination of these. This versatility allows advertisers to choose the format that best suits their campaign goals and target audience.

7. Trackable and measurable results: Popunder ads can be easily tracked and measured using various analytics tools. Advertisers can monitor metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and bounce rates to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven optimizations.

In conclusion, popunder ads offer several benefits including increased reach, high visibility, enhanced engagement, effective targeting, cost-effectiveness, flexible ad formats, and trackable results. Incorporating popunder ads into your digital marketing strategy can help you reach your target audience and achieve your advertising goals.

Best Practices for Popunder Ads

Best Practices for Popunder Ads

Popunder ads are a popular form of online advertising that can help drive traffic and increase conversions. However, to ensure their effectiveness, it's important to follow some best practices. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your popunder ads:

1. Target the Right Audience

It's essential to know your target audience and make sure your popunder ads are being served to the right people. Use demographic and behavioral targeting options to ensure that your ads are seen by users who are most likely to be interested in your offer.

2. Choose the Right Timing

A well-timed popunder ad can make all the difference. Avoid displaying your popunder immediately upon page load, as it can be disruptive and annoy users. Instead, consider setting a delay before the ad appears, allowing users to engage with the main content first.

3. Use Engaging Creatives

Create visually appealing and engaging popunder ad creatives that will catch users' attention. Use high-quality images, compelling headlines, and clear calls-to-action to entice users to click on your ad and visit your website.

4. Optimize for Mobile

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it's crucial to ensure that your popunder ads are mobile-friendly. Make sure your creatives and landing pages are responsive and provide a seamless user experience across devices.

5. Test and Track Performance

Regularly test different variations of your popunder ads to find out what works best for your target audience. Track the performance of your ads and analyze key metrics like click-through rates, conversions, and bounce rates to optimize your campaigns for better results.

By following these best practices and leveraging the power of popunder ads, you can effectively reach your target audience, increase brand visibility, and drive more traffic to your website. For affordable popunder ad solutions, consider cheap popunder ads that can help you maximize your advertising budget.

Types of Popunder Ads

1. Full Page Popunder Ad:

A full page popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that opens in a new browser window and fills the entire screen of the user's device. It is often used to display promotional content, offers, or advertisements.

2. Video Popunder Ad:

A video popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that displays a video advertisement when a user visits a website. The video ad is typically played in a smaller window, hidden behind the main browser window. It can be an effective way to capture the user's attention and deliver a message.

3. Image Popunder Ad:

An image popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that displays an image or graphic when a user visits a website. The image ad can be static or animated, and is often used to promote a product, service, or brand.

4. Clickable Popunder Ad:

A clickable popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that includes a clickable element, such as a button or link. When a user clicks on the ad, they are redirected to a specific website or landing page. This type of ad can be used to drive traffic to a particular offer or increase conversions.

5. Exit Intent Popunder Ad:

An exit intent popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that is triggered when a user tries to leave a website. It is designed to capture the user's attention and offer them a last-minute deal or promotion before they exit the site.

6. Contextual Popunder Ad:

A contextual popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that is displayed based on the content of the website or page the user is visiting. It is tailored to match the user's interests or the specific topic of the page, making it more relevant and likely to generate a response or engagement.

7. Frequency Capped Popunder Ad:

A frequency capped popunder ad is a type of popunder ad that limits the number of times it is shown to a user within a specific time period. This helps prevent the ad from becoming intrusive or annoying, and allows for more targeted and effective advertising.

Popunder Ads versus Pop-up Ads

When it comes to online advertising, two common formats that are often used are popunder ads and pop-up ads. While both types of ads are designed to capture the attention of website visitors, they have some key differences. In this article, we will compare popunder ads and pop-up ads to help you understand their similarities and differences.

Popunder Ads

Popunder Ads

Popunder ads are a type of online advertisement that opens in a new browser window or tab behind the main browser window. This means that when a user closes the main browser window, they will see the popunder ad. Popunder ads are designed to be less intrusive than pop-up ads because they do not interrupt the user's browsing experience. They are often displayed when a user clicks on a link or button on a website, and can contain various types of content, such as images, videos, or forms. Popunder ads can be an effective way to reach a large audience and generate leads or sales.

Pop-up Ads

Pop-up ads, on the other hand, open in a new browser window or tab that appears in front of the main browser window. This means that they can interrupt the user's browsing experience and can sometimes be considered intrusive. Pop-up ads are often displayed when a user first visits a website or performs a specific action, such as scrolling or clicking on a link. They can contain various types of content, such as images, videos, or forms. Pop-up ads can be effective in grabbing the attention of website visitors, but they also have the potential to annoy or frustrate users if used excessively or inappropriately.

Popunder AdsPop-up Ads

Open behind the main browser window

Open in front of the main browser window

Less intrusive

Can be considered intrusive

Displayed when a user clicks on a link or button

Displayed when a user first visits a website or performs a specific action

Can contain various types of content

Can contain various types of content

Effective in reaching a large audience

Effective in grabbing attention

In conclusion, both popunder ads and pop-up ads can be effective in capturing the attention of website visitors, but they have different ways of doing so. Popunder ads are less intrusive and are displayed when a user clicks on a link or button. Pop-up ads, on the other hand, can be more intrusive and are often displayed when a user first visits a website or performs a specific action. Ultimately, the choice between popunder ads and pop-up ads depends on the specific goals and needs of the advertiser.

Are Popunder Ads Effective?

Popunder ads have become increasingly popular in the digital marketing landscape. These types of ads are designed to appear in a separate browser window or tab beneath the current active window. Unlike traditional banner ads or interstitial ads, popunder ads are less intrusive as they do not disrupt the user's browsing experience. However, the effectiveness of popunder ads is a topic of debate among marketers.

Advantages of Popunder Ads

  • 1. Higher visibility: Popunder ads have the potential to capture the attention of users due to their unexpected appearance. Since they appear behind the active window, they can be noticed once the user closes or minimizes the current window.

  • 2. Increased click-through rates: The element of surprise and unexpectedness associated with popunder ads can lead to higher click-through rates. Users may be more inclined to click on an ad that appears in a separate window.

  • 3. Targeted advertising: Popunder ads can be targeted based on various criteria such as demographics, browsing behavior, or user interests. This allows marketers to reach a specific audience, increasing the chances of converting them into customers.

  • 4. Cost-effective: Popunder ads are often more affordable than other forms of digital advertising, making them an attractive option for businesses with limited marketing budgets.

Disadvantages of Popunder Ads

  • 1. User irritability: Popunder ads, despite being less intrusive than pop-up ads, can still be perceived as annoying or disruptive by some users. This can lead to a negative user experience and potentially harm the brand's reputation.

  • 2. Ad-blocking software: Many internet users employ ad-blocking software to prevent popunder ads from appearing. This significantly reduces the reach and effectiveness of popunder ads.

  • 3. Conversion rates: While popunder ads may generate high click-through rates, the conversion rates may be lower compared to other types of ads. Users who click on popunder ads may not always have a high intent to purchase or engage with the advertised product or service.

  • 4. Measurement challenges: accurately measuring the effectiveness of popunder ads can be challenging. It can be difficult to track conversions or attribute them solely to the popunder ad, especially if the user interacts with multiple touchpoints before converting.

In conclusion, the effectiveness of popunder ads is subjective and dependent on various factors such as the target audience, industry, and campaign objectives. While they have their advantages in terms of visibility, affordability, and targeting capabilities, they also face challenges related to user irritability, ad-blocking software, and conversion rates. Marketers should carefully evaluate the pros and cons before incorporating popunder ads into their digital advertising strategies.

How to Create Effective Popunder Ads

Popunder ads have become a popular advertising technique due to their potential to reach a wide audience and generate high conversion rates. However, creating effective popunder ads requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you create compelling and successful popunder ads.

1. Grab Attention with a Strong Headline

Your popunder ad's headline should be attention-grabbing and compelling. It should highlight the value proposition of your offer and create a sense of urgency or curiosity. A strong headline will entice users to click on your ad and explore your website further.

2. Keep your Message Clear and Concise

2. Keep your Message Clear and Concise

Popunder ads have limited space, so it's essential to keep your message clear and concise. Focus on highlighting the key benefits of your product or service and why users should choose you. Avoid using excessive text or cluttering your ad with unnecessary information.

Tip: Use bullet points or short sentences to convey your message effectively.

3. Use Engaging Visuals

Visuals play a crucial role in capturing users' attention and making your popunder ad visually appealing. Use high-quality images or graphics that are relevant to your offer and resonate with your target audience. Additionally, consider using eye-catching colors and contrasting elements to make your ad stand out.

4. Add a Strong Call-to-Action

4. Add a Strong Call-to-Action

A strong call-to-action (CTA) is essential to prompt users to take action after viewing your popunder ad. Your CTA should be clear, compelling, and encourage users to click on your ad. Examples of effective CTAs include "Sign Up Now," "Learn More," or "Get Started Today."

Tip: To increase conversion rates, consider offering an incentive or limited-time promotion in your CTA.

5. Target the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience is crucial for the success of your popunder ads. Consider demographics, interests, and browsing behavior to ensure that your ads reach users who are most likely to be interested in your offer. Analyze your analytics data and use targeting options provided by advertising platforms to refine your audience targeting.

6. Test and Optimize

Continuously testing and optimizing your popunder ads is essential for maximizing their effectiveness. Experiment with different headlines, visuals, CTAs, and targeting options to find the winning combination that generates the best results. Monitor your ad campaign closely and make data-driven decisions to improve your ads' performance.

In conclusion, creating effective popunder ads requires careful attention to detail and an understanding of your target audience. By employing these tips, you can create popunder ads that not only grab attention but also drive significant conversions and achieve your advertising goals.

Top Platforms for Popunder Ads

Popunder ads have become a popular form of online advertising, offering marketers the opportunity to reach a large audience and generate leads. If you are considering incorporating popunder ads into your advertising strategy, it is important to choose the right platform to ensure optimal results. Here are some of the top platforms for popunder ads:

1. PropellerAds - PropellerAds is one of the leading popunder ad networks, offering a wide range of targeting options and high-quality traffic. They provide real-time statistics and a user-friendly interface, making it easy to manage your campaigns.

2. PopAds - PopAds is another popular popunder ad network that offers a large inventory of traffic and competitive prices. They have a simple setup process and provide detailed targeting options, allowing you to reach your desired audience effectively.

3. HillTopAds - HillTopAds is a well-established popunder ad network that offers high-quality traffic and advanced targeting options. They provide detailed analytics and optimization tools, helping you maximize your ROI.

4. Adsterra - Adsterra is a global popunder ad network that offers a wide range of ad formats and targeting options. They have a large inventory of traffic and provide detailed campaign reports, allowing you to monitor and optimize your campaigns effectively.

5. PopCash - PopCash is a popular popunder ad network that offers competitive pricing and a user-friendly interface. They have a large inventory of traffic and provide real-time statistics, enabling you to track the performance of your campaigns in real-time.

6. ClickAdu - ClickAdu is a trusted popunder ad network that offers high-quality traffic and advanced targeting options. They have a user-friendly interface and provide detailed campaign reports, helping you optimize your campaigns for better results.

Choosing the right platform for your popunder ads is crucial for the success of your advertising campaigns. These top platforms offer a combination of quality traffic, targeting options, and user-friendly interfaces, making them ideal choices for popunder advertising. Consider your budget, targeting requirements, and campaign goals when choosing a platform, and test multiple platforms to find the one that works best for you.

Popunder Ads and User Experience

Popunder ads have become a common form of online advertising, but they often raise concerns about the user experience. These ads are designed to open a new browser window or tab behind the current window, usually when the user clicks on a specific element on a webpage.

While popunder ads can be effective in terms of generating conversions and increasing click-through rates, they can also be intrusive and disruptive to the user experience. Users may feel annoyed and frustrated when multiple popunder ads open at once or when they are difficult to close.

It is important for advertisers to consider the impact of popunder ads on the user experience and take steps to minimize any negative effects. One way to do this is by making sure that the ads are relevant and useful to the user. By targeting the right audience and displaying ads that align with the user's interests, advertisers can increase the chances of the ads being well-received.

Another way to enhance the user experience with popunder ads is by providing clear instructions on how to close them. Users should be able to easily and quickly close the ad if they choose to do so. Additionally, advertisers should avoid using deceptive tactics, such as making the close button difficult to find or using misleading wording that tricks users into clicking on the ad.

Furthermore, advertisers can use frequency capping to control the number of popunder ads that are shown to a single user. Excessive and repetitive ads can quickly lead to user frustration and negative perceptions of the brand.

Overall, while popunder ads can be an effective advertising tool, it is crucial to prioritize the user experience. By ensuring that the ads are relevant, clear, and non-intrusive, advertisers can strike a balance between promoting their products or services and respecting the user's browsing experience.

Popunder Ads and Mobile Devices

Popunder ads have long been a popular form of advertising on desktop computers, but how do they fare on mobile devices? With the increasing usage of smartphones and tablets, it is important for advertisers to understand the effectiveness of popunder ads on these devices.

Unlike desktop computers, mobile devices have smaller screens and limited processing power. This can have an impact on the user experience of popunder ads. While popunder ads may be effective in grabbing a user's attention on a desktop computer, they can be frustrating for mobile users who are trying to navigate a website or app.

However, with the right targeting and timing, popunder ads can still be effective on mobile devices. Advertisers should consider displaying popunder ads when a user is about to leave a website or app, as this can increase the chances of them engaging with the ad. Additionally, advertisers should ensure that the ad is mobile-friendly and does not disrupt the user's experience.

Another consideration for popunder ads on mobile devices is the use of ad blockers. Many mobile users use ad blockers to prevent annoying or intrusive ads from appearing on their devices. Advertisers should be aware of this and consider alternative advertising methods, such as native ads or in-app ads, to reach mobile users.

In conclusion, while popunder ads can be effective on desktop computers, they require careful consideration when it comes to mobile devices. Advertisers need to ensure that the ad is mobile-friendly, properly targeted, and does not disrupt the user's experience. Additionally, alternative advertising methods should be considered to reach mobile users who use ad blockers.

Common Misconceptions about Popunder Ads

Common Misconceptions about Popunder Ads

Popunder ads, a form of online advertising, have gained popularity among marketers and advertisers. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding popunder ads that need to be addressed. Here are some of the common misconceptions:

1. Popunder ads are annoying: One common misconception about popunder ads is that they are annoying and intrusive. While it's true that popunder ads may open in a new window or tab, they can be a less intrusive form of advertising compared to pop-up ads. Popunder ads only appear once the user closes the main window, ensuring that their browsing experience is not interrupted.

2. Popunder ads are ineffective: Some people believe that popunder ads are ineffective because users often close them without viewing the content. However, studies have shown that popunder ads can be effective if they are targeted and relevant to the user. By displaying ads that align with the user's interests and preferences, advertisers can increase the chances of engagement and conversions.

3. Popunder ads are only for desktop users: Another misconception about popunder ads is that they only work for desktop users. With the increasing use of mobile devices, popunder ads have evolved to be compatible with mobile browsers. Advertisers can now reach their target audience across different devices, including smartphones and tablets.

4. Popunder ads are always intrusive: While popunder ads can be intrusive if not properly implemented, they can be designed to be more user-friendly. Advertisers can set frequency capping limits to control the number of popunder ads that a user sees in a given time period. This helps to create a better user experience by ensuring that users are not overwhelmed with too many ads.

5. Popunder ads are irrelevant and spammy: Some people associate popunder ads with spam and irrelevant content. However, popunder ads can be targeted based on user preferences, demographics, and browsing history. This allows advertisers to deliver relevant and personalized ads to their target audience, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

It's important to address these misconceptions and understand the potential benefits of using popunder ads in online advertising campaigns. By utilizing targeting options and providing a user-friendly experience, popunder ads can be an effective tool for reaching and engaging with the target audience.

Measuring Success of Popunder Ads

Popunder ads have become a popular form of online advertising due to their ability to reach a large audience and generate high levels of engagement. To determine the success of popunder ads, advertisers need to measure various metrics that indicate the effectiveness of these ads. Here are some key metrics to consider:

1. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is one of the most important metrics to measure the success of popunder ads. It refers to the percentage of users who take the desired action after being exposed to the popunder ad. This desired action could be making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a file. By tracking the conversion rate, advertisers can gauge how effective their popunder ads are at driving user actions.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The click-through rate is another crucial metric to consider when measuring the success of popunder ads. It measures the percentage of users who clicked on the ad after being presented with it. A high click-through rate indicates that the ad was compelling and caught the attention of users. Conversely, a low click-through rate could indicate that the ad needs improvement or that it is not reaching the right target audience.

3. Bounce Rate

The bounce rate measures the percentage of users who leave a website after viewing the popunder ad without taking any further action. A high bounce rate could indicate that the ad is not relevant to the user or that the landing page does not meet their expectations. Advertisers should aim for a low bounce rate to ensure that users are engaged and continue to explore the website.

4. Return on Investment (ROI)

4. Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI) is a crucial metric for advertisers as it determines the profitability of their popunder ad campaigns. It calculates the revenue generated from the campaign compared to the cost of running the ads. By analyzing the ROI, advertisers can determine whether their popunder ads are successful in generating a positive return or if adjustments need to be made to improve profitability.

5. Engagement Metrics

In addition to the conversion rate and click-through rate, advertisers should also consider other engagement metrics when measuring the success of popunder ads. These metrics could include the average time spent on the website, the number of pages visited, or the interaction with specific elements on the site. By tracking these metrics, advertisers can gain insights into how users are engaging with their website after viewing the popunder ad.

In conclusion, measuring the success of popunder ads requires tracking various metrics such as conversion rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, ROI, and engagement metrics. By analyzing these metrics, advertisers can make data-driven decisions to optimize their popunder ad campaigns, improve user engagement, and ultimately drive better results.

What are popunder ads?

Popunder ads are a type of online advertising that opens in a new browser window, behind the current window. They are considered less intrusive than pop-up ads as they do not interrupt the user's browsing experience.

How do popunder ads work?

When a user visits a website that includes popunder ads, the ad is loaded in a new window that opens in the background. The ad remains hidden until the user closes or minimizes the current window, at which point the popunder ad becomes visible. This allows the ad to be viewed without interrupting the user's browsing.

Why are popunder ads used by advertisers?

Popunder ads are used by advertisers because they can reach a large audience and generate high conversion rates. They are also less likely to be blocked by ad-blocking software compared to other ad formats. Additionally, popunder ads often have a lower cost per click or cost per impression, making them attractive to advertisers.

Are popunder ads effective?

Popunder ads can be effective in terms of generating clicks and conversions, as they have the potential to grab the user's attention without interrupting their browsing experience. However, their effectiveness can vary depending on factors such as the quality of the ad, the relevance to the user, and the website where the ad is displayed.

Do users find popunder ads annoying?

While some users may find popunder ads annoying, others may not mind them as much as pop-up ads. Popunder ads are generally considered less intrusive because they do not interrupt the user's browsing, but rather open in the background. However, user perception of ads can vary, and it ultimately depends on the individual's preferences and browsing habits.

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